2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (2024)

2024 Horoscopes Overview

This Year in Astrology:

2024 Overview Horoscopes

The following are overview horoscopes for the year 2024. For more Cafe Astrology Yearly Horoscopes, see also 2024 Preview Horoscopes and 2024 Yearly Horoscopes.

2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (1)

Overview of 2024

We have several continuing and developing themes, but the year 2024’s astrology has unique features.

Saturn in Pisces

All year, Saturn travels through the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces. It first entered the sign in March of last year, leaving Aquarius and not to return to the sign for another 27 years!

Saturn’s stay in Pisces will last until 2025/2026.

Saturn points to areas where we have some growing up to do, which means there can be some limits and rules to follow wherever we find this sober, realistic planet.

As such, while Saturn is in Pisces, there can be some frustrations in achieving practical goals until we learn to integrate our material and non-material values. There can certainly be times when we feel uncomfortable with big shows of feeling or vulnerability/weakness. But by not fully allowing ourselves these very human qualities, we limit ourselves.

While we will work hard or root for the underdog, we don’t feel comfortable feeling like we are one. We should watch for subtly conveying to others that we don’t need kindnesses, compliments, and support. During this cycle, we can be bothered by people who seem to play the victim, or on another level, are too “out there” with their spirituality.

2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (2)Lacking some faith or trust in our intuition (or life itself), we can frequently feel vaguely fearful. In fact, it can feel more comfortable to offer tangible help and advice than emotional shows of support.

Saturn has something to teach us, no matter which sign it’s currently visiting. This time around, we would benefit by learning to recognize how we may limit ourselves and our experiences if we deny our connection to the more vulnerable, messy, or chaotic side of ourselves. It’s a step-by-step, slow-but-sure process.

There is some tendency to avoid scrutiny at all costs during this period, which can lead to missed opportunities. Even if we’re strong and resilient, we can sometimes doubt that we can cope. There is also a possibility of persistent or formidable enemies.

On the other hand, quietly working hard can be a real strength of this position.

We’re learning to allow ourselves to be creative and imaginative.

We’re also capable of considerable effort and hard work in support and service. It’s easier for us to put our egos aside in order to get things done.

We’ve had Neptune in Pisces for many years, and Saturn’s influence on Pisces-ruled areas in our charts is considerably different. Neptune breaks down boundaries while Saturn erects them, for one. For another, Neptune seeks inspiration and boosts imagination, and Saturn wants us to pay attention to our practical priorities.

In essence, Saturn wants us to shape up, be mature, and cultivate self-reliance and self-discipline in these areas of life.

So, in areas where we’ve grown accustomed to meandering, dreaming, and taking many detours, we’re now challenged to define, draw lines, shape up, and pay attention to rules. It’ll take some adjustment! Ideally, we’ve already been working on this last year, coming into 2024 feeling better equipped.

Pluto continues its transition from Capricorn to Aquarius

Pluto has been transiting Capricorn for many years, and it has more work to do in the sign. However, last year, it made its first dip into the sign of Aquarius (from March to June).

This year, in 2024, Pluto once again enters Aquarius (on January 20th) for another dip into the sign before returning to Capricorn for its last hurrah on September 1st.

But this year is different: when Pluto re-enters Aquarius on November 19th, it’s there to stay for a couple of decades.

2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (4)While Pluto is in Aquarius, we take social structures and politics seriously and seek major reform in these areas. Unusual, intense, or dramatic happenings are possible with friends and networks.

During this long-term cycle, we will likely confront issues of control and power related to individuality, equality, friendships, and group associations.

We can be on a quest to distinguish ourselves for our progressiveness, scientific minds, ideals, humanitarianism, or unique qualities. It’s also a time when we seek to change and overhaul society through science, inventions, and the mind/ideas.

Babies born with Pluto in Aquarius will have these themes hard-wired into them!

Pluto is in Aquarius from March 23, 2023, to June 11, 2023, later from January 20, 2024, until September 1, 2024, and again from November 19, 2024, to March 8, 2043, at which point it will weave in and out of Aquarius and Pisces.

Why so many dates? Pluto is very slow-moving, and with retrograde (effective backward) activity, it advances only about 1-3 degrees per year, depending on the sign. While Pluto flirts with Aquarius again in 2024, it won’t consistently transit the sign until November. In all, Pluto will spend between 19 and 20 years in the sign.

Jupiter and Saturn in 2024

So, areas of tension remain where we find Capricorn,Aquarius, and Pisces in our charts, but Capricorn is leaving the list in mid-November.

On the other hand, we can look to the Taurus and Gemini parts of our charts for where we are expanding or improving in some significant manner in 2024. Read more about Jupiter in Taurus and Jupiter in Gemini.

With Aquarius and Pisces energy strong in the year 2024, we take a particular interest in what happens to society or the majority. Chiron in Aries and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, ensure special attention to the self and individuality.

Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter continues in Taurus until May 25th, 2024 (since May 16th last year). All in all, it spends a little over a year in this Fixed Earth sign.

2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (5)

Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus continues to bring opportunities for patience, building and strengthening efforts, and focusing on comfort, stability, and longevity.

How can we best make the Jupiter-in-Taurus transit work for us? During this cycle, we attract the most good fortune when we are steady workers, charitable, generous but discriminating, and patient.

Long-term financial investments are in favor. A strong self-image or feelings of self-worth contribute to success.

There can be a delight for sensual pleasures and a desire for the “simple good life” with Jupiter in Taurus. In contrast to the urgency of the previous Jupiter cycle (while Jupiter was in Aries), we can take pleasure in pursuing our goals in a more drawn-out and leisurely fashion, watching our profits or possessions slowly but surely accumulate. Basic needs have to be met satisfyingly before we pursue other goals.

We benefit most when we observe wisely rather than jump too quickly into something new. Considering long-term viability and value is wise while Jupiter transits Taurus.

We enjoy collecting and building things. In truth, possessions can be our comfort or pleasure zone, which can lead to having too much or an unhealthy focus on material things or the joy of buying.

In Taurus, Jupiter urges us to enjoy, appreciate, and build on what we already have, and to adopt a patient approach to achieving our goals.See also Jupiter transits Taurus.

Jupiter is in Gemini

Jupiter is in Gemini from May 25th forward and spends a little over a year in this Mutable Air sign.

It’s a lively transit: During this period, we place strong emphasis and value on the intellect.

We see opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written channels.

Generally, we’re more inclined to believe that intelligence and knowledge are the primary keys to solving problems at this time. Communication and contact are especially valued–they’re hot commodities!

With Jupiter in Gemini, we attract the most good fortune when we put our wit and ingeniousness to full use and when we’re versatile, social, and curious, putting others at ease with friendliness and sincere curiosity.

It’s a lively transit: During this period, we place strong emphasis and value on the intellect.

We see opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written channels.

Generally, we’re more inclined to believe that intelligence and knowledge are the primary keys to solving problems at this time. Communication and contact are especially valued–they’re hot commodities!

With Jupiter in Gemini, we attract the most good fortune when we put our wit and ingeniousness to full use and when we’re versatile, social, and curious, putting others at ease with friendliness and sincere curiosity.

We find our joy in connecting, learning, delivering, teaching, and facilitating.

The more difficult manifestations of this energy include lack of follow through, too many ideas without a plan to set them into motion, gossip, too much information, fickleness, ambivalence, and indecision. We may take on too many things and lose focus, for example.

Jupiter in Gemini finds joy in getting–and keeping–in touch. It’s a powerful time to improve our communication skills, and it’s an excellent period for upgrading the systems, machines, or devices that keep us mobile and connected–for example, phones, cars, bikes, computers, and so forth. New avenues or channels for communicating and transiting can open up.

In Gemini, Jupiter urges us to learn as much as we can about the people around us, as well as to learn, share, connect, and improve our everyday communications.See more details about this transit: Jupiter transits Gemini details: calendar page.

Health in 2024

Health issues in 2024 can more frequently have to do with poor circulation, rheumatism, and problems with calves, ankles, nerves, and the mind. Breathing abnormalities may continue as a health theme this year. Psychological or mental inclinations that could contribute to health problems include erratic health routines/health care and a tendency to detach ourselves emotionally, perhaps too much. A lower-starch diet, breathing exercises, and special attention to air quality may be appropriate.

With Saturn in Pisces, issues with the feet, the lymphatic system, psychosomatic illnesses, and health problems related to avoidance or neglect can be more prominent. Issues with the pineal gland, melatonin, and circadian rhythm imbalances can be notable. Other health problems connected to this transit include auto-immune disorders, poisoning, drug sensitivities/overdosing, chronic fatigue, and hard-to-diagnose disorders.

Jupiter is in Taurus to May 25th, 2024.Health issues with Jupiter are usually related to excesses, while Taurus issues are often connected to the throat or neck. Taurus accumulates, as does Jupiter, but regularity and rhythm are important with the sign, and Jupiter could upset the balance.

Jupiter is also associated with the liver, memory, and arterial blood flow. Jupiter transits can be protective but they can also enlarge or exaggerate functions.

Health problems associated with Taurus under stress include thyroid or parathyroid issues (example, cysts), throat or tonsil irregularities, and problems with the voice or vocal cords or sense of smell, which could come into prominence with Jupiter in Taurus.

It’s certainly possible that latent problems in these areas can magnify during this Jupiter transit. It’s also possible that solutions arise for these issues since Jupiter has healing, protective energy.

This can be an excellent time for special attention to developing the voice through voice training, for example, and to throat care or the throat chakra.

Focusing on steadiness, regularity, and rhythm or balance can be fortifying during this cycle. Pacing ourselves can be beneficial, more so than usual.

While Jupiter is in Gemini, health matters we might see more of can relate to hands, arms, shoulders, lungs, tubes, connectors, capillaries, vessels, and sensory receptors. For example, Jupiter in Gemini, when challenged, can be associated with locomotor, blood, or cognitive disorders and stroke.

Jupiter, for example, can promote enlargements or produce benign cysts, but even if benign, can wreak a bit of havoc by pressing on other systems or creating imbalances, for example. Excess is also a potential problem with Jupiter, such that even consuming too much information, media, and the like with Jupiter in Gemini can lead to health issues. Gemini is associated with breathing, especially inspiration, and we might question whether some health concerns are to do with consuming too much air, as another example.

We might especially benefit from improving manual dexterity skills, breathing exercises, and developing our communication skills during this Jupiter cycle to enhance our health.

2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (6)

Uranus in Taurus in 2024

Uranus in Taurus continues to shake up our attitude towards money and personal possessions, and it’s a time for bold innovations in these areas. We saw this energy in action in previous years, and more developments are expected in 2024. We can expect changes to what we value on non-material levels as well, and we’re inclined to value ourselves in new ways through the course of this transit that lasts until April 2026.

The North Node of the Moon & Eclipses in 2024

Eclipses falling along the Aries-Libra axis occur again this year, with the final one in this sign set coming only next year, in March 2025. It began with the Solar Eclipse in April, 2023. The True North Node entered Aries last July.

Eclipses this year are:

  • Penumbral LUNAR EclipseMarch 25,3:00:05 at 5 Libra 07
  • Total SOLAR EclipseApril 8,14:20:37 at 19 Aries 24
  • Partial LUNAR EclipseSeptember 17,22:34:13 at 25 Pisces41
  • Annular SOLAR EclipseOctober 2,14:49:02 at 10 Libra 04

With the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra all year, we receive the message that over-identifying with a partnership or resorting to appeasing a partner can undermine our relationships. We’re working on co-dependency issues and indecision by cultivating independence.

It’s a period of learning to love ourselves, trust our instincts, and lead without fear. Learning to act on our impulses, which implies a certain amount of self-confidence, is an empowering lesson of the North Node in Aries. Striving for internal peace, rather than focusing only on achieving harmony and balance in relationships, will improve our relations and bring us happiness and satisfaction.

The September Lunar Eclipse, however, is in Pisces, and a new eclipse sign set begins: it’s the first eclipse in a set occurring along the Virgo-Pisces axis that will extend until February 2027.

While the next eclipse after this one (chronologically) is in Libra, there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in March 2025, a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in September 2025, a Solar Eclipse in Virgo in September 2025, a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in March 2026, a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in August 2026, and a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in February 2027.

As the first in a sign set, this September eclipse can serve as the initial prompt, nudge, or push to make improvements in Virgo- and Pisces-ruled areas of life in our charts, and feelings of discontent can magnify.

Health or work issues may come to the fore with the health and service axis (Pisces-Virgo) involved. The ability to set boundaries to the amount of service we render can also become a significant issue. Situations that test our faith or magnify our fears and doubts may be part of the picture. Secrets may be revealed, including discovering secrets of our own nature from deep within.

For some, a new “calling” will surface. A new line of work that better matches our inner nature, desire to serve, or emotional make-up may unfold in the months following this eclipse. We may discover that we need more rest or attention to our spiritual nature than we currently allow ourselves. Our hearts open, and issues of trust and faith are in focus.

Venus & Mars Retrogrades

Venus does not turn retrograde in 2024 and Mars does, but only near the end of the year. In short, love is rather straightforward and smooth, but desire is more complicated in the last couple months of 2024. From December 6th, Leo areas of our charts require some rethinking. We might re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Rather than directly assert our desires, we tend towards introspection. We can be hesitant about taking action, second-guessing our instincts or natural impulses rather than acting upon them. See Mars Retrogradefor more details. Note that Mars will retreat into Cancer while retrograde in early 2025.

With Mars retrograde in Leo, pride can push us to greater heights, but it can also keep us from expressing our true feelings, for example, or prevent us from truly learning from our experiences and from others. With Mars retrograde in Leo, we might see more sulking or pulling away to make a point.

Leo rules children, creativity, recreational pleasure, entertainment, and romance. As such, we may need to re-assess our approach to these matters, perhaps due to frustration or anxiety. Projects may not get off the ground as planned, possibly due to hesitation, caution, and fear of taking risks. Health issues may be a factor (especially in areas ruled by Leo–the heart and back), and accidents a possibility throughout the Mars retrograde period.

  • Mars begins its retrograde in the sign of Leo on Dec 6, 2024, at 6 Leo 11, returns to the sign of Cancer on January 6, 2025, and then continues in Cancer until Mars ends its retrograde on Feb 23, 2025, turning direct at 17 Cancer 01.

Sign Emphasis in 2024

The areas of our charts where we find Taurus can involve some shake-ups, new thinking and approaches, and radical changes in some cases. It’s also where we need to challenge ourselves and strive to improve. This year, it’s also an area where we are finding more joy until May.

The areas of our charts where we find Aquarius involve new but slow evolution, transformation, renovation, and intensity. This used to be exclusively for Capricorn areas of our charts, but we’re transitioning to the Aquarius chart areas.

Pisces life departments involve some lessons and strengthening exercises, and they require simplifying and harder (or smarter) work. Oddly, we’re also receiving lessons to expand our options, soften our boundaries, and spiritualize our approach in the same areas. It’s not always straightforward what’s expected of us!

Saturn fixes, balances, and gives us lessons with whichever sign, house, or point it visits–this year, it’s Pisces. Jupiter teaches too, but uses a far different approach, aiming to open us up and fill us with faith and courage to explore and discover–this year, in Taurus and Gemini areas.

We’re finding our joy in Taurus and Gemini areas. Opportunities are opening for us in these life departments.

Business Trends in 2024

In business in 2024, as with all other areas, different themes are working concurrently. Jupiter in Taurus until May 25th reminds us to get comfortable, build long-lasting businesses or products, draw on patience, and appreciate the world of the five senses. We might make innovative products for doing “comfort” in new ways.

Uranus encourages us to branch out and consider new and improved or progressive ways of doing business. We should also be approaching money in an entirely new way as Uranus transits Taurus again this year. We need to deal with money and personal possessions in new ways and learn to free ourselves from certain material constraints.

Innovative methods to make ourselves comfortable emerge and can be an important business focus or trend. Jupiter in Taurus to May points to even more success and blessings in these areas.

In recent years, we’ve seen this Uranus theme through sometimes abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that may have resulted in a reshuffling of priorities or values. We’re working with these new variables. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures.

We’re also bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business and making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable as our values are changing, in general, related to what we make and own.

Jupiter in Gemini from May 25th forward is powerful for improving communication, connection, and transportation. It’s an excellent period for upgrading the systems, machines, or devices that keep us mobile and connected–for example, phones, cars, bikes, computers, and so forth. New avenues or channels for communicating and transiting can open up.

We have more options or wesee more options during this Jupiter-in-Gemini transit. Areas that can improve and benefit are sales, education, representing (agent), teaching, guiding, marketing, writing, editing, journalism, information gathering and relaying, transport, touring, languages, commerce, aviation, and communications.

There can be some good fortune or experiences surrounding communication and learning. Favored now are pursuits and fields that require dexterity, novelty, logic, gathering, collating, reporting, quick thinking, and agility. These areas can be most attractive or profitable. Products that facilitate these things can also be in demand.

With Jupiter in Gemini, we prefer learning programs with a focus on ideas, fact-gathering, interaction, and discussion. Building our communication skills or connections contributes significantly to success. Learning can be our comfort or pleasure zone.

We see opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written channels. We strongly believe that intelligence and knowledge are crucial to solving problems and that being well-informed is empowering.

It’s a fine time to focus on what we’re communicating–our message–in our businesses. We can find ways to pull together facts and deliver information in a more attractive package. Still, we should watch for being too scattered or restless to benefit from this transit’s opportunities.

People may be more attracted to gadgets, puzzles, trivia, and words and may want to improve their immediate environment and daily life. A focus can be on light, morale-boosting social activities.

While Jupiter asks us to grow, expand, and believe, Saturn asks us to simplify, test, and question. The Jupiter-Saturn square in August and December points to some need to adjust, moderate our enthusiasm, and fix problems.

However, Jupiter’s alignment with Uranus in Aries is powerful for innovations, especially in areas of comfort, security, and pleasure. Jupiter’s harmony with Neptune in May and Pluto in early June are powerful for imagination, strategy, and insight. Turning problem areas around, recycling, and reimagining products or businesses can figure strongly.

The North Node in Aries all year brings a strong focus on self-growth and special attention to independence and courage–products and services that promote living one’s truth and being oneself are likely to thrive.

Love Trends in 2024

Concerning love and relationships, we continue to do some excavation and soul-searching regarding our past. There can be a focus on getting ourselves together–figuring out what we want to leave behind and what we want to take forward with us.

The downsides are primarily about how we generally handle emotions during this period. We can feel uncomfortable with big shows of feeling or vulnerability/weakness with Saturn in Pisces, for example. By not fully allowing ourselves these very human qualities, we limit ourselves. We should watch for subtly conveying to others that we don’t need kindness, compliments, and support. We may be less tolerant of people who appear to play the victim or seem too “out there” with their spirituality. Certainly, we can feel more comfortable offering tangible help and advice than emotional shows of support.

We should learn to recognize how we may limit ourselves and our experiences if we deny our connection to the more vulnerable, messy, or chaotic side of ourselves. It’s a step-by-step, slow-but-sure process.

People with strong Pisces in their charts can be more serious–they’re working on their discipline. They can seem distant, and, in truth, they’re going through things. Virgos can feel some distance in a key relationship or pressure due to a lack in the partnership realm. Scorpios and Cancers can enjoy more discipline and stability. Pressure comes from various life departments for Sagittarians and Geminis–the need for more maturity in these areas can weigh heavily on them sometimes.

There’s a revolution happening with Uranus in Taurus, and it’s about approaching sexuality and gratification differently. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued and embracing a new-age view of the feminine. Women’s “roles” in relationships are revolutionizing this year and in the coming years.

In 2024, there’s likely to be a stronger focus on the individual and independence–living one’s truth and asserting oneself. We believe in our personal responsibility and what individuals bring to the table in a relationship.

We have further work to do on self-confidence, body image, and our relationship with our independence. Chiron in Aries is certainly a me-oriented transit, but it’s a vital one if we want to bring our whole selves into a relationship. In 2024, the North Node is in Aries all year, boosting and extending this theme further. Relationships can benefit from the general attitude that the past should be left behind us. Some of us can feel more confident in our ability to be independent, and this can test some relationships.

Getting ourselves in shape with money matters and personal belongings can be particularly strengthening in 2024, especially until May. At the same time, finding new and unusual ways to enjoy ourselves and make an income can be attractive.

From late May forward, how we communicate on an everyday level becomes especially important to us. People who listen to us, allow us to talk about our daily experiences, and encourage light conversation are more attractive than usual. Improving communication skills can go a long way toward boosting attractiveness and love.

Read more about the general trends expected in love and relationships in 2024 (soon).

New Year 2024 Chart

New Year 2024 Chart

The New Year chart’s exact timing depends on where you are in the world, of course, and the above is a 0-degree Aries chart.

See also monthly horoscopes, and daily horoscopesthat interpret the roles of these and other factors in the solar charts of each sign.

2024 Horoscope Overviews for Each Sign

Also available are the 2024 Horoscope Previews and 2024 Love Horoscopes. The following are my summaries of the year ahead for each sign.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (8)The year 2024 is a period for boosting your comfort and security, building and expanding, dear Aries, as well as branching out, learning, and connecting. Financial boosts are likely in the first months of the year, although managing spending can be in order for this to last long term. Existing projects can enjoy handsome payouts or there can be special bonuses. Feeling more comfortable, stable, and secure is a goal–and it’s more achievable than ever!

Finances are looking quite nice this year, although some moderation is helpful. Until May 25th, you’re continuing a trend in which you can build and grow your material resources. It’s a time of abundance on some level – you might acquire or purchase something of value that you’ve always wanted, invest, or enjoy an increase in business and income. There can be a strong emphasis on comfort and enjoying simple (and sometimes not-so-simple) pleasures. You can take great pleasure in growing a business or enjoying a relationship. You attract the right people and resources during this period, and encounters with others work to your advantage.

Some of the greatest joys and challenges this year come through exploring your independence, self-assertiveness, and personal couarge. You’re coming into your own in 2024! Navigating a more authentic life path is the goal. You could be in a shift stage professionally as you analyze your next steps. There can be some changing of priorities – what used to drive and motivate you may no longer inspire you.

More day-to-day contact with friends and family can be healing and pleasurable, especially from May 25th onward. You’re especially sharp, curious, and interesting! Your thinking and reasoning processes mature and grow. You are hungry to learn, produce, and share your ideas. Relationships with siblings, classmates, acquaintances, and even neighbors can improve significantly. Reaching out, even in the smallest of ways, can be rewarding and might bring new opportunities into your life.

Happily, you can experience a newfound feeling of liberation in your thoughts and in your ability to express yourself. You are finding your voice in some way. You bring an inspired and spirited approach to your dealings with others, and you are very much appreciated for this. Perhaps you’re more often articulating and sharing your personal philosophy during this period. Teaching, learning, sharing, and guiding are in strong focus and very rewarding.

If friends or social affiliations have held you back, you may begin to move with a new crowd this year. Instead, you could naturally gravitate to different ideas, pastimes, happiness goals, and social pursuits as your interests evolve.

Jupiter’s transit of your communications sector blesses your communication skills and ability to get where you want or need to go. Transportation benefits are likely. Aim to write, learn, and absorb what you can during this helpful transit, because what you produce and the skills and knowledge you acquire now can be especially valuable later, possibly for great profit, when avenues can open up for using these things to your advantage.

See also 2024 Aries Preview Horoscope.

Full Aries Overview.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (9)A strong focus on embracing your personality and independent side continues in 2024, dear Taurus, with Jupiter in your sign until May. You’re growing and blossoming in your expression of self and spirit. You see entirely new possibilities, and your vision of life is panoramic this year.

While you’re still doing some important “work” behind the scenes on emotional levels, you’re very often more out there, on, and confident in 2024. It’s a time of “out with the old, in with the new” as you continue a trend from the latter half of 2023 that keeps you looking forward and chasing new beginnings. You are determined to change your life for the better–and to be a better person as well.

Freedom and discovery are important themes for you in 2024. You seek more from life than the mundane, which can lead you to exciting new experiences and adventures or an uncomfortable state of discontented restlessness! The year finds you at your most bold and intriguing. Career opportunities come knocking at your door. Being your own boss is something you’re strongly leaning toward. You’removing forward and growing, craving freedom and independence, and perhaps facing some endings as a result, but nothing that you cannot handle.

However, while exploration is a theme, you’ll be working hard at building foundations as 2024 advances. This is a time for building a nest egg, attending to comfort needs, and paying careful attention to relationships that require more work.

Money, comfort, and security dominate the headlines as the year advances. Late May onward is a powerful period for a stronger sense of abundance, whether about money, things, or more leisurely moments. Enjoying yourself and exploring your needs and desires are in focus. This period of your life can bring substantial opportunities for making money, a focus on accumulating possessions, and a particular need for comfort and security.

A feeling of plenty is wonderful, especially for Taureans, but be sure to curb the tendency to overspend and overindulge. Look for opportunities to make your life more comfortable and to make extra money – chances are, these abound.

There remains some mystery with some friendships, but the year is more stable for your social life overall. It’s possible you experience some seriousness or separation, but the Saturn theme related to your social sector is mostly about taking your connections more seriously. Meaningless connections may no longer appeal, for example. Partnerships are more about camaraderie and life path goals that mesh with yours this year.

You could experience some obsessiveness with your career, reputation, or status in spots, but you’re improving your work-rest balance this year. April is electric for personality changes, sudden opportunities, and growth. You’re doing new things and approaching the world with more confidence and enthusiasm.

Full Taurus Overview.

See also 2024 Taurus Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (10)With Jupiter entering your sign this year, dear Gemini, a joyous new beginning is in store. Your confidence increases many times over, and your ability to attract who and what you want into your life is robust. Jupiter transits one of the twelve zodiac signs every twelve years or so, typically for about a year. This happens for you starting in late May this year and running to early June 2025.

Until late May, Jupiter continues to move through your solar twelfth house, and you pay more attention to the background of your life. You can be especially supportive of others during this period, sometimes to an extreme extent, and there can be times when you feel like escaping into your own world, where it seems safer and happier. Generally, you may feel less equipped to make big changes or choices. Private or behind-the-scenes studies and topics of interest are appealing.

By June, you are ready to ask for what you deserve. In August especially, this can cause some friction, possibly because others have grown accustomed to you “laying low” and the support you’ve given them with few conditions. However, this is a liberating transit in which you are coming into your own, discovering your need to express yourself, and drawing upon inner stores of confidence.

While your reputation or career can be more demanding, restrictive, or humbling in a general sense again this year, you feel successful on a personal level, particularly in the second half of 2024, and you bring a positive spirit to many areas of life. It’s about blossoming and wanting more from your life, and you’ll likely get it.

You could discover that a partner or significant other is more supportive of your efforts toward self-improvement, having your better interests at heart. Or, opportunities to partner up abound. You might begin a destined relationship this year or the next. Even so, your path of greatest fulfillment this year involves learning to avoid habitual reactions and responses, and recognizing your need to cooperate. Avoid avoidance! As well, while you’re in many ways more independent–and the exercise is good for you–the cosmos also encourages you to make contact. Cooperate, negotiate, and enjoy the benefits these bring.

Until June, there can be a sense that you’re living for others, as you often place others’ needs ahead of yours. But from June onward, you’re moving forward and grabbing opportunities to advance your interests. Perhaps ironically, when you’re coming into your own and going your own way, you’re attracting or enhancing relationships.

You might easily find support, and opportunities to expand your horizons, perhaps through publishing, additional reach, travel, or education, can present themselves. You are more confident and focused, and possibly more concerned about power as well. Certainly, you’re more persuasive.

In 2024, you’re connecting with your dreams, desire to participate, and happiness goals. Friends could be integral in your quest for more from life. In fact, as you humble yourself to –and better understand– your need for community or contributing, you feel good about yourself, freer, happier, and more personally confident.

This year, areas to tighten up and discipline yourself include career, life path, and reputation. Personally, it’s a time to come out of your shell.

Full Gemini Overview.

See also 2024 Gemini Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (11)The year ahead brings more stability and diverse interests, dear Cancer. A more vital awareness of others, a considerable emphasis on networking and enjoying time spent with friends, and a hard look at your viewpoints or personal interests are in store in 2024.

For years now, unusual people and alternative lifestyles have been themes in your social life. This year, you’re finding more than usual enjoyment from group or friend activities. Pleasant surprises and opportunities are likely in your social life. Friendships grow or begin. You may need a jolt out of a rut if you’ve held on to a position you have outworn. New projects and happiness goals are motivating. An exciting friendship connection in April might open doors for you. You can also feel inspired and motivated to take better care of yourself.

You continue to find joy through group associations and friendships in the first months of the year. You can make wonderful friends through work, health, and fitness routines. Alternatively, friends can be instrumental in finding work for you. The pace of your daily life is quick and sometimes hectic but usually quite fulfilling. It could be an especially profitable period if you’re in business for yourself.

Career and family need special handling, and balancing energy between the two is necessary and rewarding in 2024. You’re more interested in serious or practical topics, and it’s possible your interests or beliefs are changing quite a bit this year. You’re challenged to look at life and your future more realistically and practically. This is a good year for stabilizing and organizing many areas of your life. You are looking for solid answers, or events occur that have you thinking more deeply about your beliefs and morals. You can assume a leadership or teaching role this year quite naturally.

Dealing with the past figures strongly from late May forward – you could sometimes find yourself emotionally stuck there! The inner hermit in you can be stirring, and you could make some sacrifices (quite willingly) for others. You are not necessarily unsociable now, but you’re often content to do your own thing. The key to fulfillment is to recognize and honor your spiritual path and your need for alone time and reflection but to avoid neglecting your responsibilities in the process. With more attention to your reputation, career, or work this year, you’ll likely relish the time you have to yourself.

It becomes more critical to vibe with someone with solid values and beliefs in partnerships this year. Your expectations from more casual relationships are higher. From September forward, learning, publishing, sharing, and discovering are stronger themes.

Full Cancer Overview.

See also 2024 Cancer Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (12)Increasingly, you’re finding the need to bring more creativity and less routine to your career, dear Leo. You find more joy in your professional or public life in 2024. Good things come your way, including recognition. Your reputation, in general, improves. Jupiter transiting your career and reputation sector until late May boosts pleasure, opportunities, and goodwill in these areas of your life.

You continue to move away from false paths that no longer serve you well or transform them into more suitable ones. Planning more carefully for your future is important. It’s possible there’s less support from others at times as Saturn transits your solar eighth house. However, you’re creative about making the best of circ*mstances. Dealing with debt can be a worthy goal in 2024.

Much of the hard work you’ve put in is paying off and reaping the rewards. Advancement in achieving an important goal can occur in 2024. Fortunately, you have more faith in your goals and aspirations. You also feel more excited about achieving your longer-term goals and ambitions. Bonus: others are especially attracted to your visionary and confident approach.

It’s possible you meet people who boost your career or encounter sudden opportunities to move a goal forward. You could find yourself especially motivated by– and passionate about– the work you do.

With Jupiter’s move into your sector of dreams, hopes, ideals, friendships, and groups on May 25th, you’ll see these things expand. If you own a business, this sector also rules income from that business, which can also improve. New contacts, contributions, and involvements bring you joy.

You’ll take pleasure in reaching out to others and can be more motivated to branch out and network as the year progresses.
Partnered Leos will find that their relationships are evolving. They’ll need to avoid suspicion and trying to get others to follow their “script” and deemphasize people in their lives doing the same. You might reach new social heights or experience an enhanced reputation through a romantic association. You have more personal influence in groups, with friends, and with a partner.

This year’s most notable opportunities revolve around sharing, publishing, leading, managing, and connecting. You’re enjoying a social boost — a boon, even! It’s one of the best periods in twelve years for connecting with like-minded people and enjoying good company. This year, you’re encouraged to expand your horizons and to get out and about more often. While you’re also quite excited about pursuing your ambitions this year, coming up for air will give you a world of good and help balance your life.

Full Leo Overview.

See also 2024 Leo Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (13)You are building your skill set in 2024, dear Virgo, and you blossom with your work, reputation, or life path later in the year. Jupiter smiles on you favorably until later May, and you approach minor inconveniences with a positive attitude. It’s a good time for morale boosts.

You are more intellectually curious this year, and you may have opportunities to expand your horizons and connect with interesting people and topics. There can be opportunities to travel, take a detour, or otherwise enjoy mind-expanding and different experiences. People and activities outside of your norm can profoundly affect or inspire you.

Balancing your attention in different areas of your life is a good idea. You may become so caught up in your career, projects, responsibilities, or outer image this year that order around the home might sometimes slide! Regarding love in 2024, casual relationships feel less pressured. Partnerships, on the other hand, demand more maturity. At times, they feel as if they’re being tested, or you’re taking your committed relationship goals far more seriously. You could feel that if you don’t have a good partnership, you’d rather not have any. It’s possible you strengthen a key relationship. While it’s not always easy going, you’ll reap the rewards later. On the other hand, there can be some seriousness as you find your way and discover what it is you truly need and want from a significant other.

There can also be times when it’s difficult to balance your relationship and career goals or responsibilities. A partner or significant person in your life could question your ambitions or vie for your attention, competing with your special interest in your career or outside responsibilities. Others’ expectations of you or their limits, rules, and critical observations can impact your performance. The challenge is finding a balance between the two worlds instead of pushing or rebelling against either.

Uranus traveling in harmony with your sign all year is an uplifting and energizing influence. You’re open to experience and adventure beyond the usual routine. Doing home life differently, moving out of a neighborhood, or expanding your family/home can figure strongly.

You’ll feel more deserving of the recognition you receive with Jupiter at the top of your solar chart starting May 25th. You’re ready to reach higher, and you’re received exceptionally well. It’s an influential period for your career or powerful for your reputation and life path goals. Work is transforming in all the right ways.

It can be a time of promotion or some form of pleasant culmination in your professional life. A positive attitude toward work brings great rewards, as do expressing your integrity and honesty. Connections that further your career goals are in focus. You can feel much excitement about pursuing or achieving your longer-term goals and ambitions.

Life challenges you to improve your financial picture this year, and your relationship with health, work, daily routines, and wellness is evolving in empowering ways.

Full Virgo Overview.

See also 2024 Virgo Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (15)There is a strong focus on partnering, finances, studies, and transportation this year, dear Libra. Assistance from others comes easily, and your intimate world is likely to expand or reward you. Absorbing projects and special interests are a strong draw. You’re often quite preoccupied, usually quite happily so! Indeed, you can feel some pressure to make better and more efficient use of your time. While personal income can be going through transitions, other sources of money and support are strong.

The year brings strong energy for your intimate world and, later, excellent opportunities for self-expression and adventure. Transits especially boost your shared resources–a partner’s income might increase, for example, or you could pool resources in a new arrangement–as well as relationships with banks, taxes, debts, financial advisors, loans, and investments. A relationship can reach new depths. It can be a time of exciting insights and opportunities for emotional renewal or healing, giving you a sense of power and self-mastery. You’re discovering much about yourself and your deeper desires this year.

It’s a good time to be more disciplined and discerning with your daily routines. It’s a potentially excellent year for putting a bad habit behind you, and your health is likely to improve as a result. One of the best things you can do for yourself in 2024 is fine-tuning your work, health, and daily routines. You need more structure when it comes to these things, and while it involves effort and persistence, you’ll thank yourself for doing it. Orderliness will be empowering, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules will help tidy up your mind and emotions so that you feel freer to enjoy yourself when pleasure calls, which it is likely to do frequently!

Jupiter’s entrance into the compatible Air sign, Gemini, on May 25th will help lift you out of your shell. You’re likely to be more outgoing than you have been. You’re building your strength and balance. The path to greatest fulfillment is through flexibility, communicating effectively, and finding a balance that includes your own needs.

Casual love connections are a powerful draw this year, and they’re sometimes up and down. Partnerships demand more balancing and attention as you explore and discover your relationship needs and goals. You’re working on improving negotiations and one-on-one connecting in 2024.

You’re finding new or improved ways of communicating, connecting, promoting, sharing, and transportation this year, particularly from late May forward. It’s easier than usual to connect with good instructors or courses. Studies will likely be easier or more enjoyable, or you’re exploring and discovering new viewpoints or interesting topics. It can be a favorable time for publishing, promotion, travel, language learning, teaching, discoveries, and adventures. Mind-expanding activities are in strong and rewarding focus this year.

See also 2024 Libra Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (16)Relationships continue to figure strongly in your life this year, dear Scorpio, and so does a strong interest in self-development, health, and wellness. You find more joy in others who are, in turn, more responsive to your needs. You’re putting more effort and discipline into your pastimes, and it’s rewarding. Steadiness and stability are attractive. You might form strong financial ties with someone. A partner or a relationship can inspire you to reach new heights.

Changes to your personality and needs this year are subtle and yet significant. For one, you’re more willing to learn from others and to accept the support offered. For another, your tastes in romance, recreation, and the arts are slowly but surely refining and changing. You could be honing a craft or monetizing a hobby. Indeed, you might discover very constructive channels for your creativity.

The year 2024 offers some absolute joy in others. Partnering brings new discoveries, and support (emotional and financial) is more forthcoming. Even so, big changes in the dynamics of close partnerships (personal and business ones) seem necessary. More freedom and space in relationships can be a theme. If you allow others more freedom, you should also feel free to take some for yourself. There can be joy in your partnerships and some blessings, but possibly also some uprooting. You are unlikely to feel that you know where you stand, and this uncertainty can be exciting but sometimes problematic.

Fundamental changes or evolutions in your home, personal life, or family are slow but noticeable as Pluto transitions into your solar fourth house. You’re becoming less guarded with what you say. Activities related to purging and emotional renewal can figure strongly. It’s a powerful period for home life and your intimate world. You might acquire property or boost your income.

You enjoy a greater ability to make plans, mainly related to health, diet, and work, which boosts you physically and emotionally. You can find more meaning in your life, in general, which is motivating. Bringing more structure to your leisure time can be worthwhile, benefiting you in many different life departments.

This is a good period for attention to fitness and health routines, as you are more aware of how these positively impact your energy and confidence. You can enjoy passion pursuits, or new depths (and heights) can be experienced in your private life, adding to your inner glow. There can be good publicity this year, and your ability to meet others halfway (often further) opens up social possibilities and opportunities. Someone can be a positive force in your life, boosting your confidence. You’re likely to derive much joy from your relationships and, more likely, one special one in particular.

See also 2024 Scorpio Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (17)Your daily affairs and routines continue to take up much of your attention, dear Sagittarius, and you’re enjoying it! You’re putting more of your personality into your services, wellness pursuits, or job. While you should watch that you don’t overload your life with additional responsibilities, it’s a great time to enjoy your everyday life and improve your routines.

You focus more intently on what matters to get ahead. Still, this cycle is less about recognition as it is about the enjoyment of your duties or daily life. It’s not the most outgoing cycle in your life story, but it’s a strong period for connecting with your need for routine, meaningful work or tasks, and greater wellness.

From May 25th, your focus shifts considerably–your social life begins to take more precedence. Pleasing others is a theme, but you’re bound to get something back – it’s not a one-way street. In fact, you’re likely to find that others are supportive and interested this year and the next. Jupiter’s presence in your opposing sign from this time onward will likely bring helpful, happy people into your experience and, possibly, a partner who boosts you up. Existing partnerships can also bring joy. Suddenly, opportunities for relationships can open up for you, with one or more potential partners in the mix. Negotiations and counseling situations can be beneficial. You might find yourself in the role of teaching or counseling, or you could gain a trusted advisor.

Your influence and powers of persuasion are enhanced. Increased communication, involvement, curiosity, and interest can boost a connection. You’re in great shape for collaboration and enjoyable pursuits, especially shared activities and pleasures.

With Saturn in a challenging relationship with your sign, there can be hurdles to jump, but paying attention to details now can help secure your future. The most notable bright areas this year – and there are plenty – are self-care and self-improvement endeavors, work, long-term partnerships, and friendships. Your schedule is likely to be quite full in the first months of 2024, but mostly pleasantly so. Building more structure and organization in your domestic world benefits you not only at home but also in other areas–most notably, your work, chores, duties, and health–areas where you’re doing more innovating.

Partnerships tend to fare well; even casual love relationships should be rewarding. While you’re certainly more companionable in the latter half of the year, freedom is a theme as Jupiter transits your house of “others.” The North Node encourages you to spend more time enjoying and expressing yourself creatively and openly. Trends are strong for discovering or rediscovering romance. There can be great innovations in your life, with new ways to communicate and move your life forward.

See also 2024 Sagittarius Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (18)2024 is a year of stronger focus and solid work, dear Capricorn, but it’s not all about responsibilities, thankfully! While transits challenge you to get organized, you experience more joy in taking care of business, especially from late May onward.

As well, Jupiter continues to bring fullness to your life in the areas of recreation, romance, and creativity until May 25th. Great opportunities arise for you to enjoy yourself. For many Caps, this period is about rediscovering the child within. You might take up new hobbies, get into different or new social circles, or enjoy more fun, recreation, or romance.

At the end of this cycle, Jupiter moves to your work and health sector, bringing more benefits from work and enjoyment of your daily life. You take a greater interest in health routines, self-care improvements, and work projects. Fortunately, these things give back. It’s a rewarding period for improving your everyday life. From May 25th forward, you take special pride in your usefulness to others. With your great optimism at this time, it can be tempting to take on more work than you can reasonably manage. Be careful not to overload your schedule. There can be times when you feel you’re juggling. Happily, job opportunities might arrive, or improved working conditions can figure strongly now.

You’re discovering or creating more joy in your daily routines and your tasks this year, and this helps you thrive across the board. 2024 can be a year of increased job satisfaction or fulfillment with everyday life, programs, and wellness pursuits.

All year, you are making significant changes in terms of growing past stubborn attitudes and beliefs as well as changing deeply ingrained habits and systems of doing things. You’re also starting to redefine your attitude towards money and possessions.

Fortunately, you have great energy with you to express yourself creatively and originally, and your magnetism runs high. Unusual and exciting romantic or recreational experiences are possible, especially in April. Something might inspire you to try an altogether new creative hobby or adventure. There can be sudden insights into your needs in love, or a changing attitude towards love can emerge. It can be a time of creative inspiration, unusual events that alter your thought patterns, and fruitful, exciting connections.

You are more deliberate in your efforts, which benefits you greatly, especially in late May and early June. You’re in a strong position for money matters and feel valued or purposeful in your work, duties, and routines. This year, putting more energy and effort into your home life can also be highly fulfilling.

With Saturn, your ruling planet, in harmony with your sign all year, you have a stronger feeling of stability, which suits you well. It’s a grounding influence that helps you meet your responsibilities promptly. You can be putting more effort and responsibility into learning.

See also 2024 Capricorn Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (19)The year 2024 brings continued good fortune to your personal life, living conditions, and domestic world, dear Aquarius, and it adds exceptional warmth to your love life and leisure time as the year progresses. First, Jupiter’s transit to your sector of the soul until late May can expand your family life or inner world. It boosts your feelings of security and joy in your home life and builds your confidence on an internal level. Greater comfort and enjoyment of downtime are likely–you may not feel exceptionally adventurous.

From May 25th forward, you might take this increased sense of personal self into the world – expressing yourself creatively, perhaps romantically, and generally enjoying yourself more. You have been doing a lot of “work” on yourself recently, and now is the time to share the “new you” (which is still, in fact, in the process of evolution). New hobbies are very possible. Channels for fun, love, and self-expression are opening! At times, you may need to watch spending or enjoy simpler activities to balance things out. In fact, you might pride yourself on better managing your material resources.

Financially speaking, you are moving just a little away from a spiritual, somewhat passive approach towards a more practical, pragmatic approach to money. Your personality has an edgier quality in 2024 as Pluto continues its slow transition into your sign. You are discovering your rough edges and learning how to manage them.

Your personal life often overshadows your professional activities this year. It can be an excellent time to set up a home business or home studies. Excitement on the home front is brewing. Certainly, you’re willing to entertain the unusual and think outside the box in your domestic world, and this attitude brings benefits. At the same time, relaxing and detoxing come more naturally, and it’s good for you! You’re cheerful, taking things in stride, and confident in yourself. People are paying attention and enjoying you. More often than not this year, you take the stresses and pressures of everyday life in stride.

New opportunities to truly enjoy yourself through recreation, pastimes, and other amusem*nts will likely come your way. Romantic opportunities also expand. For some of you, a friendship turns into something more, or friends can be integral in exposing you to a new hobby, different and exciting forms of recreation, or romantic opportunities. You’re finding fantastic ways to express yourself and your personality through love, games, recreation, and creativity. Friendships blossom. 2024 brings more joie de vivre and the rekindling of passions and inspiration into your life.

See also: 2024 Aquarius Preview Horoscope.



2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (20)New interests and learning continue to be a positive theme in 2024, dear Pisces, but later this year, there can be a real settling down process in your life–and it’s rewarding! Your domestic and inner world come into strong focus, and you want to expand, grow, and improve in these areas, whether you move into larger or more appropriate accommodations or focus on improving current living conditions.

You will likely find more value – and joy – in your family and domestic life. There can be innovative or technological improvements, new ideas, and a forward-looking, happy energy in the home life.

The first 4 to 5 months of the year are lush for opportunities to expand your knowledge and make pleasant contact with others. There can be a real feeling of connectedness with friends, siblings, your neighborhood, special interests, or your community. Interests expand. Communications projects are well-starred, and you might secure, complete, or refine a major project. Transportation matters can continue to improve.

Your interests continue to diversify, and you’re filled with ideas this year. Much of the time, you’re pleasantly busy. While this is generally a positive thing, by June you are more able to focus on one or two pet projects and ideas, which contributes to feeling more settled.

Major new projects begun somewhere between late May of 2024 to early June of 2025 can ultimately be enriching, profitable, and long-term, so lay down your foundations well.

With Saturn in your sign all year, it’s time to strengthen your routines, habits, or diet, although the health may sometimes seem a little fragile. The best way to manage Saturn’s influence is to focus on working towards success in the long term rather than paying too much attention to the more minor frustrations and grievances. You’re tidying up your life in ways that will benefit you for years to come!

There can be times when you don’t feel as valued as you’d like or even feel overlooked during this transit. Ideally, these feelings motivate you to strengthen and improve critical areas of your life. It’s an excellent time to make edits and corrections. As well, you’re building your self-reliance.

Success may be especially prominent in business fields related to service, communications, promotion, domestic matters, or real estate in 2024. Improving money management can be very rewarding. It’s a time for settling in, feathering your nest, enhancing your relationships with family, and meeting responsibilities. There can be nice prospects involving your income, family, or home life. The desire to make yourself and/or your loved ones more secure motivates you. Activities close to home (and on or in the home) are highly appealing now.

See also 2024 Pisces Preview Horoscope.

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2024 Horoscopes: Astrology This Year (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.