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ICYMI: The original Nosferatu is WAY better than the new one.
I'll admit it: I'm a pretty annoying person to watch movies with, especially if they're older. I tend to judge movies a lot more harshly if they were made before the year 2000. (Don't hate!!! I'm just being honest.)
Orion Pictures / Via giphy.com
I can't believe I'm even using this GIF. Silence of the Lambs terrified me beyond anything and I still gave it 5 stars.
So today, I thought I'd scour the internet to see what movie buffs have to say about older films — which ones aged like fine wine, and which ones aged like milk? Today we're gonna find out.
Paramount Pictures / TIFF / Via giphy.com
I'm slightly torn about which list I'd include Greaseon. Yes, it's still a fun movie, but like, did the message of the story really age well?!
Here are the movies that people consider timeless:
1. Nosferatu (1922)
Prana Film / Everett Collection
"I watched the original Nosferatu (1922) yesterday and was surprised that it managed to genuinely spook me. By the halfway point, I forgot I was watching a silent movie over a century old, and I was on the edge of my seat."
2. 12 Angry Men (1957)
Orion-Nova Productions / Everett Collection
"It's surprisingly very engaging for a movie just about people talking in a room."
"This is always the movie I recommend for people who find old black-and-white movies difficult to watch due to their age."
3. Casablanca (1942)
Warner Bros. / Everett Collection
"It's the perfect mix of intrigue, humor, romance and an allegory of America's ambivalence about entering World War II."
4. Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Everett Collection
"I am 50 and i saw this for the first time only a year or so ago and I really had no idea it was so good — though it's a classic so that should've been a big hint!"
5. Some Like it Hot (1959)
United Artists / Everett Collection
"Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon are hilarious, and Monroe is just magic on screen."
6. It Happened One Night (1934)
Columbia Pictures / Everett Collection
"It's a great movie! The first film to win the 'big five' at the Oscars."
7. Star Wars original trilogy (1977-1983)
20th Century Fox Film Corp. / Everett Collection
"I'm 34 and I'd never really watched Star Wars properly in all my life, as I wasn't interested in it. I now have two young boys and I decided I'd watch the OG Wars film with them, A New Hope. I found it better than I expected and of course the music is incredible. At the end when they're receiving medals, I felt quite emotional."
8. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Paramount / Everett Collection
"I saw it about ten times when it came out, and now my eight-year-old granddaughter loves it."
9. It's A Wonderful Life (1946)
RKO Pictures / Everett Collection
"The ending still is as wonderful and hits as hard as the first time I’ve seen it. Maybe I’ve just been lucky with how I’ve spaced out my viewings — and I’m sure the holiday-adjacent energy doesn’t hurt — but it’s remarkable how effective the whole thing remains rewatch after rewatch."
10. The Sound of Music (1965)
20thcentfox / Everett Collection
"I started watching it because my wife convinced me, but after 30 minutes, I turned to her and said, 'You know what? This is really,reallygood!'
The acting, the singing, the sets and costumes — everything is top-notch, memorable and enjoyable."
11. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Everett Collection
"Whohasn'tseen The Wizard of Oz? It is literally the most-watched movie in history."
12. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
Universal Pictures / Everett Collection
"I was surprised at how good To Kill a Mockingbird actually was. (I had read the book.)"
13. Double Indemnity (1944)
Paramount Pictures /Everett Collection
"I was expecting this to be good (and it is) but I was surprised by how fresh it felt and how much the dialogue popped. It's so entertaining and so good."
14. Metropolis (1927)
Paramount Pictures / Everett Collection
15. M (1931)
Nero-Film / Everett Collection
"M was incredibly ahead of its time. I remember watching it in film class in college and was blown away by how dark it is — it manages to be so unsettling and creepy by showing you nothing."
16. Duck Soup (1933)
Paramount Pictures / Everett Collection
"It's remarkable how the jokes and the pace of the jokes aged so well."
17. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
RKO Pictures / Everett Collection
"Loved Bringing Up Baby and find it hilarious to this very day — my favorite screwball comedy with two of my all-time favorite acting legends!"
"It's basically the template for every screwball romantic comedy since."
Annnnd now for the movies that have aged poorly:
18. Hackers (1995)
United Artists / Everett Collection
"Technology advancements from the early 90s to now have obviously vastly changed.
There's a scene where they're all excited over a laptop with a 32kb memory or something. Funny stuff."
19. You've Got Mail (1998)
Warner Bros./ Everett Collection
"The whole thing about the big bookstore VS. the little bookstore loses some of its oomph when Borders and Waldenbooks both went out of business and Barnes & Noble is the last one left."
20. St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
Columbia Pictures / Everett Collection
"They're just a bunch of spoiled brats with no real problems. It's really tough to watch."
"I think St. Elmo's Fire is one of the worst movies ever made. There are simply no redeemable qualities."
21. Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
20th Century Fox Film Corp. / Everett Collection
"Social outcasts are justpunching upwhen they assault attractive popular ladies."
22. Empire Records (1995)
Warner Bros / Everett Collection
"Can't really do a movie about an independent record store trying to prevent a massive chain of music stores from buying it these days."
23. Accepted (2006)
Universal / Everett Collection
"Given the student loan crisis and all the for-profit colleges that were scamming people and leaving them with worthless degrees, the plot isn't all that funny anymore."
24. All the President's Men (1976)
Warner Bros. / Everett Collection
"It's still an amazing movie but from a modern perspective it ends in such an odd place — you never see the fallout of their reporting. But travel back to 1976 and it makes sense because everybody knew what happened next. The impeachment and resignation of Nixon was the biggest story in the world just a few years before."
"Just in the general sense, that film assumes that you knowa lotabout Watergate — the people involved, the timeline, the details of the conspiracy, etc."
25. Pretty Persuasion (2005)
Samuel Goldwyn Films / Everett Collection
"In a post-#MeToo, post-#BelieveWomen era, there is absolutely no way this movie would get green-lit. Even at the time, it must have been slightly awkward.
I like to hope there was at least one female in the production who thought 'Wait a minute, isn't this movie kind of saying that all women are insane pathological liars?'"
26. Crazy Stupid Love (2011)
Warner Bros / Everett Collection
"It became dated immediately. There is a reference to Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher being happily in love despite their age difference. Ryan Gosling's character criticizes Steve Carell's character's clothing, asking if he is Steve Jobs. In the background of a scene is a Borders bookstore. Within a year Demi and Ashton separated, Jobs died, and Borders went bankrupt."
"And even though we are following the plot lines of both men and women in this film it doesn't pass the Bechtel test. The women are just extras in this movie even though they are portrayed as 'strong female leads.'"
27. 2012 (2009)
Sony Pictures / Everett Collection
"That movie came out at the perfect time. Then, of course, when the world didn't end in 2012, we all moved on."
28. American Beauty (1999)
Dreamworks / Everett Collection
"Boy, this movie has some messed up things in it, the more I watched it."
29. American Pie (1999)
Universal / Everett Collection
"They basically live-stream revenge porn, and the result: the girl gets kicked out of the country."
30. Blank Check (1994)
Buena Vista Pictures / Everett Collection
"That adult woman made out with a 10-year-old boy."
31. My Fair Lady (1964)
Warner Bros. / Everett Collection
"I watched as a play in February 2018, just after #MeToo, and they had changed the ending without changing the dialogue. It was marvelous. Now I can't watch the original version without feeling lost."
32. Sixteen Candles (1984)
MCA / Everett Collection
"Had anyone seen Sixteen Candles in a while? Sheesh. I love John Hughes, but damn, that movie is problematic."
33. And finally, Batman Returns (1992)
Warner Bros./ Everett Collection
"In Batman Returns, Batman ruins Penguin's political aspirations by releasing a recording showing how much contempt he has for his own voters. I don't think you could sell that plot point now..."
OK, now it's your turn! What's one older movie that has actually stood the test of time? Or any movie that has aged really badly? Tell me in the comments!
Columbia Pictures / Via giphy.com
My pick is When Harry Met Sally(1989). I hate rom-coms, and yet that movie is in my top five of all time.